The hairfal is mainly causes of pollutions and dust settling at the scalp. the dust which settles at the scalp is react as hairfal & that dust is destroying the root of the hair and attacks the growth of hair. By this home ayurveda we can prevent our hair from hairfal.
Causes of hairfal:
Day to day Stress
Weakness of hair
Lack of proper nutrition to our body
Vitamin B6 and folic acid deficiency
Unclean scalp, which blocks and weakens the hair
Hereditary factors
Symptoms of hairfal:
Routine Hairfal
Development of bald patches
Thinning of hair in women
By day to day prevention of hairfal:
Drink fresh juices of carrot, alfalfa, lettuce and spinach for hair growth
Vitamin C, vitamin B-complex the hair will be strong. This can be find from nutrients in sprouts, yeast, buttermilk, nuts, milk, soy beans and whole grains.
Drinking of plenty of water the hairfal will reduces and helps to re-grow.
Ingredients to prevent hairfal & re-grow of hair:
Amla – 2-4
Bhringaraaja – 7-10 leaves
Curd – 5-7 table spoon
Cut the amla into pieces .the seed should be removed.
Take the bhringaraaja ½ hand & wash it twice.
Grind this two ingredients well and add the curd.
Mix well like a creamy condition and apply this 3-4 times a week.
I hope that this method of prevent hairfal is very use full for you
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