The pomegranate seeds, peel and aril are all edible, but it is the juicy seeds that are often the primary source of nutrients. In addition to being a high source of fibre, pomegranate is an excellent source of essential amino acids, vitamin A, C, E, B5, B3 (or) Niacin, iron, folic acid, potassium and antioxidants poly phenols.
Benefits of pomegranate:
Pomegranate has been consumed for anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and other healing properties. women have used pomegranate for beauty concerns including wrinkles, acne, dry and saggy skin.
For cancer :-
The antioxidants activity in pomegranate may include apoptosis, a process which causes self destruction of cancerous cells. Daily intake of at least 8 glass of pomegranate juice can cure your cancer. The pomegranate juice can prepare by fresh pomegranate seeds with little amount of water to be blend and strain that to drink .
The antioxidants activity in pomegranate may include apoptosis, a process which causes self destruction of cancerous cells. Daily intake of at least 8 glass of pomegranate juice can cure your cancer. The pomegranate juice can prepare by fresh pomegranate seeds with little amount of water to be blend and strain that to drink .
For cold & flu:-
The vitamin c presents in pomegranate will helps from cold and flu. simply drink 1 to 2 glass of pure pomegranate juice diluted in one litre of water through out the day.
For coronary heart disease:-
Pomegranate will expedite the oxygen supply to the heart muscles and help treat many heart conditions including cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. Slightly blend the pomegranate seeds and put that into hot water for 2-3 minutes to hot, after it turns to warm condition strain that to drink. Drink this at morning in empty stomach atleast do this for three months.
For Osteoarthritis:-
Pomegranate is rich in potassium and polyphenols which can help for the restoration of cartilage in joints. By eating one whole pomegranate daily can inhibit the onset of osteoarthritis.
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