Cardiac blocks are also called as heart blockage. Most probably this blocks may happens to male only. Blockage means , In the heart there will be a valve presents for blood circulation. In that valve some cholesterol will settled and that cholesterol will decrease the blood circulation as the result you may known as heart blocks. The cardiac blocks are mainly cause due to oily foods. Here I'm giving you some specials method to relieve your cardiac blocks within 90 day by using ayurveda.
This method gives good results to my grandfather, one day my grandfather gets too pain over a heart we immediately taken him to hospital and came to know he had heart blockage. After that he taken lot of treatments but that heart pain is not decreased. At that time he tried this ayurveda treatment of this method within 90 days the result shown in ECG is there is no heart blockage, so you can also try this method to remove your blockage.
Why heart (or) cardiac gets blockages?
Cardiac blockages are cause due to many thinks as we do in day to day life. The small thinks like snacks contain oily, fast food, highly rich in oily vegetable. Fried egg , moreover all non-veg items. It may also cause due to tension, stress and upset.
Methods to remove cardiac blocks:
Ginger juice - 1 cup.
Garlic juice - 1 cup.
Lemon juice - 1 cup.
Apple cider vinegar - 1 cup.
Honey - 3 cup.
Garlic juice - 1 cup.
Lemon juice - 1 cup.
Apple cider vinegar - 1 cup.
Honey - 3 cup.
Preparation method:
* Extract ginger, garlic and lemon juices without adding single drop of water.
* Take equal amount ginger, garlic, lemon juice and apple cidar vinegar.
* Now you will got 4 cups of this mixture.
* Now heat this in a sauce pan for an hour at low flame. Till it reaches 3 cups.
* Now allow it to cool to room temperature.
* Add 3 cups of honey and keep it in refrigerator for 90 days usuage.
Drink 15 ml at morning and evening before 1/2 hour to eat foods. Best at morning drink this in empty stomach.
By drinking this over 90 days you feel the result and you surely your blocks will be removed.
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